Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 4

4 Week Highlights

*At the beginning of the week Kenadi started losing all of the hair on top of her head. We're excited to see exactly what color is going to grow in it's place.

*On Friday her little belly button stub finally fell off!!! 4 weeks was a long time!
*Sunday night she took her first bath in the bath tub.

*Monday night while we were having some tummy time she rolled over from her tummy to her back (pure accident, I know)

*There was one night this week she slept from 11:00 to 4:30 - that's the longest stretch of sleep she's had so far :) We're getting closer to sanity!

*I've given up marinara sauce completely since eating it really doesn't make for the best night of sleep.

*Today her left eye was really watery and crusty - I'm trying the old wives tale of squirting breast milk in it to make it better (why are you giving me that funny look:) - if it's still the same in the morning it'll be off to the dr. we go.

Kenadi's couch potato look :)


Heidi said...

LIttle Kenadi, keep sleeping long stretches for your Momma, great job on losing your bb stub and on rolling over! I hope your pretty little eye feels better soon (tell your Mom that the milk goes in your mouth!):) I hope to see more pictures of you soon, oh, and I love your adorable room.

S. Brook Bell said...

I laughed out loud when I saw the couch potato look!!!! We need to plan to get together soon. The adult conversation will be nice for us :)