Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Kenadi!

One of my last preggo pics @ 35 weeks

Kenadi Nicole arrived at 2:52 pm February 25th. We are all head-over-heals over our sweet little girl. She had a bit of a rough delivery but nothing too bad and is now doing great.

I know I haven't blogged for the whole month of February (been so busy getting things ready) so I will bring you up to date. I was walking around for weeks 50% effaced and dilated to a 2. Nothing changed until I hit 38 weeks when I changed from a 2 to a 3 1/2. Since I was already dilated, have had group B strep with past pregnancies and very fast labor and deliveries we set a date to break my water.

We went to the hospital the morning of February 25th at 9:00. Brandon's cousin Anthony and his wonderful girlfriend Kristen (who is a labor and delivery nurse) were in town from California and watched the boys that morning until Grandma came over.

At about 10:00 Dr. Van Dell broke my water. I was already having contractions when we arrived at the hospital and of course they were now getting stronger. I remember with the boys being in immediate pain after my water broke and exactly 3 hours or less I was giving birth. This time I was progressing a lot slower because her head was still at a minus 2 station (it was not coming down). At about 12:00 I got the epidural and was dilated to a 5, 75% effaced and her head was still at a minus 2 station. So I started lying on my side trying to get her to come down a little. I laid on one side for a while then at about 2:00 switched sides and immediately felt sick and got the shakes. Hello transition period!
It had been about an hour since the last time I was checked and I had gone from a 5 to a 10 since then. It was time to push (thank God for the epidural during this time)! When I was pushing the cord was wrapped around her neck and for some reason this was causing her to get a little stuck - it's always a little scary when the nurses jump on top of your belly to help push the baby out and an instant replay of what happened when Chase was born. She breathed right away (unlike Chase) but had a lot of bruising from coming down the birth canal so fast. The dr.'s said this would put her at high risk for jaundice because of all the dead blood cells her liver would have to process.

Kenadi already has Daddy wrapped around her little finger and the boys were so excited that she was out of my tummy and that they finally got to hold her - with the exception of Cy (he doesn't want much to do with her).

Overall, Kenadi came out healthy and I couldn't ask for more. The moment when they lay your baby on your tummy is an indescribable, amazing moment that I will never forget. She is absolutely perfect.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading about Kenadi's birth story. I am so happy for you I have tears in my eyes. I am so glad she is here and is healthy, not to mention beautiful! Loving and missing you more than ever!