Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Like I've said before, I LOVE all the hats and headbands with the big flowers attached to them for little baby girls. Near the end of my pregnancy, I bought a cute little crocheted beanie with a cute crocheted flower on it off of Etsy. I couldn't wait to take pictures of Kenadi wearing it and had to do it soon because I don't think it will fit her very much longer. Here's Kenadi, 2 weeks old.

When my mom and sister were here helping out one of the things April did was make Kenadi's quilt for her. I love it!!!

Kenadi had her 2 week check-up and everything looks great. She's now 20 1/2 in. and 8lb 11oz. She's been a very content, easy going baby which is such a relief! Nights are still a little rough especially if I eat something for dinner that's spicy or had marinara sauce (she'll wake up a lot more or won't go back to sleep till she poops!). Lately, for the most-part, the last feeding for the evening is between 10:30/11:00, she'll wake up again at 2:00, won't really want to go back to sleep right away, be back asleep by 3:00 and then up again between 5:30 and 6:30. This next week I'm going to work on keeping her awake a lot longer before she goes down for the night and see if we get closer to sleeping through the night.

I'm really looking forward to getting outside this week - Cole's on spring break and it's supposed to be warm and sunny everyday (unlike all the rain and cold we had last week). With all the sunshine, we took Kenadi on her first trip to the park yesterday (the boys had been wanting to go to Kids Kastle) and it was beautiful.

I'll leave you with a picture of Cole playing with a shaving kit that Oma and Auntie April got for the boys while they were here. It was so cute watching him trying to be just like daddy.


April said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!! Love the pics of Kenadi Amber - you did a great job! And the pic of Cole is totally fun - I'm so glad they are using the letters too! :)

:) love you!

Heidi said...

Oh my goodness, the pictures of Kenadi are beautiful Amber and I could go on and on about the quilt. Thanks for posting, I am just eating it up!