Tuesday, August 5, 2008

10 Weeks Today

I am officially a fourth of the way done with my pregnancy! Still got a long way to go but I've got to say the last 4 weeks have been completely miserable. I would rather feel the way you do at the end of pregnancy when you're so uncomfortable than feel the way I have. So hopefully things can only get better from here :)

Here's my sonogram from 8 weeks:

My next appointment is August 18 and then we should be able to find out the sex at the following appointment!!!

The Name List
so far . . .

Reece Avary Dion (notice her initials:)
Carsyn Kennedy

Cole and Chase's Pick: Brooke (except when I first asked Chase he said "Kissey" and I don't know where they came up with Brooke)

For boys we feel like we have to stick with a C name which doesn't look like it's going to happen - the only C name I like is Chance but it's so close to Chase. Any ideas???


Sara G Nichols said...

I'm only picking girl names for you, because I'm confident it's a girl this time! =)

I like Cassidy, and you can call her Cassy for short. Camille, Carly, Christian (Crissy for short), hmmm... I'll keep thinking! =)

Sara G Nichols said...

Oh, and I LOVE Brooke. That's a name David and I discussed for Gracie, but then he thought of Gracie and the discussion was over, haha. I think it's a beautiful name!