Monday, July 14, 2008

A Few Details From That Day . . .

July 12, Brandon and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary. I can't believe it's been 6 YEARS! It's gone by fast but that's probably because we've been on a whirlwind of having kids. We started young and wanted to finish young so that we will still be young when our kids are teenagers (that way we can still do everything with them from wakeboarding to sports, ect.). One of the things we never did was plan when we were going to have our kids; all 4 have been a surprise and a gift from God. Brandon was set on being "done" after we had Chase (he wasn't exactly the best of babies); then he got the vasectomy after we had Cylas - and now we have our fourth on it's way. I've always had the mindset that though it takes a lot of hard work, the more kids God gives us, the more blessings it will bring. There may be a lot of trials but God is refining us through every one.

This picture from our wedding day is my favorite. It was our first kiss as Mr. & Mrs. Dion, right after we said our vows. I loved that moment.

Some other moments I remember from that day are getting to the church with my sister and running to the dressing room (we got there a little bit later than we wanted to) and having beautiful diamond earings delivered to me while I was getting ready. Those earings became a symbol of sacrifice as they meant a lot to me since Brandon gave them to me on such a special day. They were a carat each and I wore them almost every day but about two years after being married a lot of things came up and we ran into financial trouble. We ended up having to sell those earings that meant so much to me but it was okay. You sacrifice the most for what matters the most. Through all that we've been through sacrifice could look more like failure. But it is not failure; it is that which makes us stronger. And in the end it will hopefully be a beautiful story of love prevailing. I LOVE you Brandon and I always will!

Since I haven't been feeling that good, we watched P.S. I Love You (I actually got him to give in!!!) while the boys napped and then we went out to eat at Blue Goose for dinner. We plan on doing something else later when I feel a little better.

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