Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 9

The best part of this week has been that Kenadi has slept through almost every night! Even if she doesn't actually go down till midnight she'll still sleep for 7 or 8 hours. I'm going to try to get her into a better schedule of naps and going to bed earlier this week.
She's also really paying attention to the books we read her. I'm so excited that she likes being read to. Some babies just don't like to sit there for very long (example: Chase and Cy), but she does :)
This weekend we got a lot of rain (almost 3 inches in one night) and it actually cooled down outside on Sunday. We took the boys to the driving range and Kenadi sat on the sidelines to watch.
I love this dress she borrowed from her friend Isabelle

Although I'm pretty sure Chase will play a contact sport he already has a pretty good golf swing (that is when he takes the time to set up right).

I love this video of Chase back in March. It was so cute watching him try to stack all the balls in the hole - he was pretty excited :)

Tomorrow Brandon leaves on another business trip to Austin but this time we're all going with him. Should be fun!! I'm sure I'll be back with a ton of pictures :)

1 comment:

April said...

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!!! SHE is SOOOO cute!!!!! I miss her! :(