Tuesday, January 13, 2009

33 Weeks Today

Only 7 more weeks to go till Kenadi's due date! I can't believe it's almost here :) I had a dr.'s appointment yesterday and I'm dialated to a 2 (I stayed at a 2 forever with Cylas) and already 50% effaced. They've been doing the FFN test at every appointment which tells you if you'll go into labor in the next two weeks and it came back negative (thank goodness!). I didn't get any good ultrasound pictures but she'd weighing in around 4 lb 11 oz right now.

While Oma and Papa were in town, I tried to get some more maternity shots in. These are my favorite:

The weekend before Christmas we started working on Kenadi's room. Grandma was watching the kids overnight while Brandon and I had a night out. To sum it up we ended up picking out paint at 11:00 at night (good old 24 hr WalMart) and Brandon started painting around midnight! When I picked out the paint I wanted a warm pink - something that would make the room glow - I didn't want it to be too light. The color I picked was called Capri Rose (hmmm. . .Capri; I thought that was funny). Well it definetly made the room glow!!! I would have liked something a little bit lighter than bubble gum pink but we decided to keep it until we get the rest of the room put together. If we still don't like it then we'll change it but up to this point it looks like it's staying.

Making the change from blue to pink!!!

The PINK room with it's first piece of furniture.

Our 2nd piece of furniture from Oma and Papa!

The next addition was a canopy I made to go over the crib. . .
. . . and the curtains (which look REALLY bright in this picture).
Next I'm going to work on the bedding for the crib and we also need to get that T.V. and entertainment center out of there.
I also had my baby shower the first weekend of January given by Brandi and Christen - thanks for all you two did - I loved it! I loved opening all the pink, little girl gifts and hearing all the oo's and ah's from how cute everything was - you don't really get that with little boy stuff :)

Thanks everyone!!!

1 comment:

April said...

Everything looks great Amber! I love the pics of your tummy! Kenadi is such a lucky girl to have a mommy like you!