Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Right Here, Right Now

I'm a little late for the actual challenge but I've been wanting to do this for a while and I wanted to share it with all of you. I saw it on Heidi Swapp's blog a little while ago and thought what better time to do this than now when everything is going to change with the baby in just a few short months. It was called "Give Yourself a Present" by Stacy Julian (you can visit her blog at:http://stacysbigpicture.typepad.com/

"You have everything you need right now to be vibrant and fully engaged in the creative process. Join me and dozens of other scrapbookers in a challenge to ‘Give yourself a Present’.

1. snap ten photos of your life right now
2. compile these photos in a really small mini-album
3. keep or carry this album with you (in your desk/bedside drawer or purse) for one year.
4. Promise to glance through the album every time you stumble upon it or pull it from your purse.
5. On Oct. 1st 2009, create a scrapbook page about your experience. (and Stacy promises to remind all of us)
6. Share it on your blog Oct.1st 2009"

"I think you'll find that regardless of what you choose to photograph, be it nature, your children, your pets, your home, your current projects --- anything and everything, that life is in flux. We and our surroundings are constantly changing (even when you don't see it or believe it) and this little challenge/project is designed to STOP you, in the throws of your busyness and show you in an instant ALL that you have and can choose to be grateful for -- ALL that is here NOW and very likely fleeting ..."

"Can you imagine if every woman in the world had a little "present" in her purse, a little something to pull out and look at on the bus, in the school parking lot, in line at the grocery store ... I think there would be a greater degree of gratitude, of patience, of satisfaction and of happiness."

Inbetween everything else going I will try to take time to do this. Sounds like fun - I'll post it when I'm done!

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