Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 6

Week 6 has definitely been one of my favorites. Kenadi has been very responsive - making eye contact when you talk to her, cooing and smiling a ton - real smiles, not just from gas :) She also likes to track every move Brandon makes.We can keep her attention for long periods of time without any crying - she loves all the attention. We can get some funny reactions out of her too - making her blare her eyes by making funny noises. I love it! As far as sleep goes the car seat has suddenly become magical. At the beginning of the week she was only staying asleep in her crib between 5 to 10 minutes at a time (that got very old at night) but she falls asleep and stays asleep easily in her car seat. Now for the last couple nights she'll sleep half the night in her crib and then fall back asleep in her car seat for the remainder of the night. Hopefully sleeping through the whole night will be coming soon!


April said...

SHE'S GORGEOUS!!!!! OOOOhhhhhh I hope you guys can come out here soon...

April said...

Sooo - who DOES she look like?