Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

First, Happy Father's Day to my Dad! This was the only picture I had in my computer of me and my dad when I was little and it's probably the very first one we took together (labor and delivery rooms have come a long was since then). Some of my best childhood memories are of me with my dad. I think if I had to describe our relationship in one word it would have to be of him being my comforter. We would have so much fun together, playing steamroller, him being the tickle monster; I remember him letting go of my bike the first time I rode without training wheels, I remember him running outside to save me after I rode my bike straight up a curb and flipped it backwards with the handlebars around my neck (awww, poor me :). But it was the times when I snuggled up to him that gave me the best feeling. He was always so warm and I could fall asleep on his chest listening to his calm breathing. Thanks Dad for always being such a big part of my life growing up!

Now to Brandon, I have loved watching you through the years with all of our children. You've fallen in love with each of them, taken your time to teach them, play with them, comfort them, discipline them and love them. I've loved watching them make you so happy and fill your heart with joy. I've especially loved watching our baby girl just melt your heart. I pray that God will keep you strong and that He will bless us with close relationships with all four of our munchkins as they grow up. I love you babe!

1 comment:

April said...

YAY DADDIES! Thank you for you daddy post - loved reading it! Love the pics of smiling Kenadi!