Friday, June 27, 2008

Family Vacation

Our family has been blessed by the little perks of Brandon's job lately. He has to go out of town a lot more - this past week he had to go to Houston and San Antonio - so we decided to make a little family vacation out of it.
The first leg of our trip was to Houston. We made it out there, checked into our hotel, then made our way out to Galveston Island - all I can say is that I must be spoiled living by the beach in California for 21 years :)

This was the best picture I got of them. They were too busy looking at all of the shells.

It was the first time the boys got to stay in a hotel and they simply loved it. Cole was amazed that he didn't have to make his bed in the morning! Another one of the boys' favorites was the huge breakfasts - they loved having so much to choose from and the Texas shaped waffles (they eat like this now, what is it going to be like a few years from now!!!). And of course, they loved getting to play in the pool so much - that's what kept us busy while Daddy was out working.

On our second day of Houston (after Daddy was done working) we went to the Johnson Space Center and we LOVED it. Definitly take the tram tour and make sure you get off where you can see the space shuttle. We're hoping we can take a trip to Florida this October to see the next space shuttle take off. How exciting would that be!!!

Before bed the boys were deciding which planet they were going to travel to. So cute!

Our third day we drove to San Antonio and that evening went to the River Walk. While we were there we took the boat ride and you guessed it - walked along the River Walk.

I love that we got to sqeeze in a little family get away in the midst of Brandon being so busy with work. Letting go of all the day to day stuff at home and focusing all of my energy on family is always a nice vacation for me.


Sara G Nichols said...

How fun! Glad y'all had such a great time and were able to relax a bit! =)

April said...

Amber - you are so blessed. That is my thought every time I read your blog. God has given you such great gifts in your boys (Brandon included :)). The pictures of them deciding which planet to go to and looking at shells are SO proof to me that you are such a great mom - giving them a sense of adventure in everyday things that we'd miss if we didn't look out for them. I hope one day I can half as good a mom as you are. luv, your big sis